Spare Parts and Instruction Manuals
We provide instruction manuals when we ship our products. Spare parts lists are usually included or can be found in the back of the product catalogs. Click on the links at the right to display technical information for the product types listed. Contact us by phone or e-mail if you are unsure of the type or model of VRL product that you need service information for, or to obtain information for products not currently listed.
Servicing Products in the Field
Our products feature straightforward designs and most may be serviced by qualified technicians in the field. We can provide phone support and guidance if required, but in most cases our manuals include the information and drawings needed. For our dry pump line we offer an advance exchange service which results in minimum downtime and the opportunity to have these products repaired or refurbished at the factory if necessary.
Returning Products for Service
To return a product please call us with some basic information and we will provide you with an RGA number which will be used to track your equipment through our repair process. Warranty repairs are FOB the factory. Shipping costs to and from the factory are the customer’s responsibility. Non-warranty repairs are performed at a nominal charge plus parts needed. Please call for quotation before shipping.
Vacuum Switches: Thermocouple, Pirani, IP-65 and Diaphragm Sensors: